Systemic Psychotherapy
private and / or work life - For individuals, couples or families and professionals and managers as well as for people with diabetes and other chronic or serious illnesses and their families. They cannot cope alone anymore: They need help and assistance in determining their real problems. With expert support, solutions can be developed together: Their resources with and those of other people in their lives can be identified. Our new Adress in Munich ISTOB 81677 München Phone: +49 (0) 8362 925415 (Praxis) Mobile: +49 (0) 171 832 3931
Holidays for people with diabetes Hits today: 3 - total: 10591.
Brahmsstraße 32 / 3 OG (with Lift)
+49 (0) 8362 9103613 (Therapie)
and other chronic or life-threatening diseases